Hotline for housing
and communal services

Automate routine processes:

  • Collecting and entering data into CRM
  • The smart robot accepts applications from clients 24/7
  • Open API: integration with your PBX accounting system

Hotline for housing and communal services

Automate routine processes:

  • Collecting and entering data into CRM
  • The smart robot accepts applications from clients 24/7
  • Open API: integration with your PBX accounting system

95% of resource companies face a serious problem. Accounting spends several days a month collecting, processing readings, and issuing invoices. And these losses are not only temporary, but also financial.

What will you get from automated data collection?

How does the accounting system work?

The customer calls the company phone number. The robot answers him and asks to enter personal account data and meter readings. The specified data gets into CRM

Your company accountant will be able to reconcile the balance and upload the data in a couple of clicks. Now it will take 5 minutes

The system can be integrated with 1C to automatically send readings. Data will not have to be entered into the system manually.

The system is customizable to any business to fully automate the readings process.

For whom this service?

How to connect the service?

Service cost

UAH / month

UAH / month